Hi, I'm Matt!
Passionate Developer

I am a dedicated MEAN stack developer driven by a relentless commitment to expanding my skillset and harnessing technology to tackle real-world challenges. My journey as a self-taught developer underscores my unbridled enthusiasm for the craft, as well as my unwavering dedication to continuous self-improvement. I proactively shoulder the responsibility of nurturing my professional growth to ensure that my skills remain cutting-edge and indispensable in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Angular Certification

About Me

My Experience

Throughout my professional journey, I have cultivated a deep proficiency in analytical thinking, enabling me to adeptly pinpoint and resolve intricate challenges. My experience has not only honed my problem-solving acumen but has also refined my ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences, fostering collaboration and understanding. Over the years, I have thrived in navigating complex and ambiguous problems, consistently delivering innovative and pragmatic solutions to benefit my employers.

My Ambition

I aim to apply these skills in the software development arena, leveraging technology to deliver creative solutions to business and client challenges. My unwavering passion for problem-solving propels me towards excellence in this field, and I take profound satisfaction in overcoming technical hurdles to achieve innovative outcomes.

Matt Bilyeu Headshot

Project Portfolio

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Study Stride

Studystride is a study aid for learners to help them maintain motivation in their own studies. It features secure user authentication and session management, ensuring a reliable user experience. Users can easily initiate conclude study sessions, and the application records the duration of each sesion, by topic. This session data is then transformed into user statistics, allowing users to track their study habits and push toward goals. To that end, I've implemented gamification for users, rewarding users with badges for every 10 hours of study completed. The project also includes a feedback interface, allowing users to offer suggestions, and an admin login for managing feedback and accessing app usage statistics.

  1. User Authentication: Secure login credentials and server-side validation.
  2. Study Session Management: Start, end, and track study sessions.
  3. Study Statistics: Insights into overall study habits and per-week progress.
  4. Topic Breakdown: Statistics categorized by different study topics.
  5. Milestone Tracking: Set and mark study milestones.
  6. Gamification: Badge rewards for every 10 hours of study.
  7. Feedback Interface: User feedback collection and management.
  8. Admin Dashboard: Access to app usage statistics and feedback management.
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Efficient Comms

This MEAN stack project aims to assist frontline managers in effectively managing team communication. It was developed to address the challenges commonly encountered in tracking and coordinating communication within various corporate environments, drawing from practical experiences in previous workplaces. The goal is to streamline communication processes, providing managers with a reliable tool to improve team coordination and facilitate smoother interactions.

  1. User Authentication: Email/password authentication system and bcrypt-encrypted password storage.
  2. AWS S3 Integration: File storage and retrieval using AWS S3.
  3. User and Team Management: Creation, management, and deletion of users and teams.
  4. Issue Escalation: Functionality allowing members to escalate issues for management review.
  5. Updates and Acknowledgment Tracking: Management of updates and tracking of employee acknowledgment status.
  6. Automated Notifications: Email notifications for escalations and updates, real-time alerts.
  7. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Different access levels and permissions for users.
  8. Lazy Loading: Separate modules for each type of user, loaded on the fly as needed.
  9. Responsive Design: Ensuring accessibility and responsiveness across devices.

Client Project

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Sovereign Renovations

I took on a client to demonstrate my ability to produce code with real-world impact. This was built with an HTML template, which I tailored for the client's needs and added a custom Angular application for his gallery. That gallery uses the Contenful API to allow the client to expand their gallery moving forward.

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